Electromagnetic Template Library (EMTL)
No Matches

Electromagnetic Template Library (EMTL) is a ะก++ library for programming Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) simulations.

The program is designed for quick and efficient programming of FDTD simulations and for extending the available FDTD algorithms with new techniques and features. The code implements a fully functional API including MPI parallelization.

Code Features

Computational technology and efficiency

  • Compilation on UNIX and Windows
  • User API in C++ and Python
  • MPI parallelization
  • OpenMP parallelization
  • SIMD vectorization (HiFDTD extension)
  • Memory-efficient asynchronous updates (HiFDTD extension)

Simulation techniques

  • Anisotropic and dispersive media
  • Total-Field / Scattered-Field wave generation technique
  • Dipole sources
  • Subpixel smoothing
  • Perfectly mathed layer absorbing boundaries (UPML and CPML)
  • Fast Fourier transform of the results
  • Near-to-Far-Field Transformation
  • Simulation of Maxwell-Bloch equations
  • Coupled electromagnetic and electrical simulations.

New algorithms

  • Subpixel smoothing for conductive and dispersive media: http http PDF PDF
  • Iterative technique for analysis of periodic structures at oblique incidence: http http PDF PDF
  • Hybrid transfer-matrix FDTD method for layered periodic structures. This method can be used for calculation of transmission and reflection for planar layers of scatterers, and band structure of photonic crystals: http http PDF PDF
  • Additional back absorbing layers technique to reduce numerical reflection from PML: http http PDF PDF
  • Simulation of Maxwell-Liouville equations for single quantum emitters in FDTD http http PDF PDF

Oblique incidence simulation


  • Calculation of the distribution of electromagnetic fields in a structure;
  • Real-time simulation of the propagation of electromagnetic wave packet through a structure;
  • Calculation of the transmission, reflection, and absorption coefficients as functions of incident wavelength and angle for periodic structures;
  • Calculation of the scattering cross-section and the angle distribution of the scattered wave for objects of arbitrary shape;
  • Sensitivity analysis of the impact of defects on the optical properties of periodic structures (photonic crystals);
  • Calculation of transfer-matrix (T-matrix) for planar layers of arbitrarily shaped scatterers.


  • Photonic crystals, optical filters, antireflective coatings;
  • Waveguides and resonant cavities;
  • Design of electronic devices, including nanosized devices;
  • Antenna and mobile phones design, etc.