Electromagnetic Template Library (EMTL)
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Boundary conditions

The boundary conditions are set using the SetBC method of the uiPyExperiment class:

    task.SetBC(bc_x, bc_y, bc_z)            

Hereafter, the task variable is assumed to be an object of the uiPyExperiment class. Three types of boundary conditions are supported:

  • Absorbing boundary conditions (emtl.BC_PML)
  • Reflecting boundary conditions (emtl.BC_REFL)
  • Periodic boundary conditions (emtl.BC_PER)

You can set absorbing boundary conditions for the faces of the computational volume that are perpendicular to the OX axis, reflecting boundary conditions for the faces of the computational volume that are perpendicular to the OY axis, and periodic boundary conditions for the faces of the computational volume that are perpendicular to the OZ axis with the following command:

    task.SetBC(emtl.BC_PML, emtl.BC_REFL, emtl.BC_PER)

By default, the absorbing boundary conditions are of the type CPML, however, you can select the boundary conditions NPML.