Electromagnetic Template Library (EMTL)
This is the complete list of members for emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t >, including all inherited members.
Dump(bool lim=false) | apComponent | virtual |
DumpOther(const apComponent *comp, bool lim=false) | apComponent | virtual |
DumpOther(int flags, const apComponent *comp, bool lim=false) | apComponent | virtual |
emRecordAnalyzer(mngarg< vset_t > vset=NULL, valtype timestep_=0) | emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t > | inline |
format | emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t > | protected |
GetArgs(int itf, int ispace, valtype &tf, Vector_3 &pos, int ch=0) override | emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t > | inlinevirtual |
GetCFields(valtype tf, int ispace, cVector_3 &E, cVector_3 &H, int ch=0) override | emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t > | inlinevirtual |
GetCFields(int itf, int ispace, cVector_3 &E, cVector_3 &H, int ch=0) override | emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t > | inlinevirtual |
GetEmDumper() | emComponent | |
GetFields(int itf, int ispace, Vector_3 &E, Vector_3 &H, int ch=0) override | emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t > | inlinevirtual |
GetFields(valtype tf, int ispace, Vector_3 &E, Vector_3 &H, int ch=0) override | emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t > | inlinevirtual |
InitComponent(const apComponent &other, const std::vector< int > &p_id=std::vector< int >()) | apComponent | |
LocateStep(int itf, int ispace) | emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t > | inline |
name | apComponent | protected |
Project(projector_t &projector, emDataProjector &data_proj, int format, int signature, int scmode=outMOD, long long outfilter=outDefault, int argflags=argAll, int order=ORD_XT, valtype tt1=-1, valtype tt2=-1, valtype dtt=-1, emIntegration *integ=NULL, virt_unary_function< valtype, cvaltype > *norm=NULL, emMediumContainer *med=NULL) | emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t > | |
registry_t typedef | apComponent | protected |
SetWave(int channel, mngarg< emSourceWave > wptr, mngarg< VecTransform > transform, mngarg< VecTransform > trans_ds) override | emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t > | virtual |
start(int id) | apComponent | protected |
stop(int id, int force=0) | apComponent | protected |
timestep | emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t > | protected |
ut | apComponent | protected |