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Cone (Cone)


Cone - Cone with arbitrary 2D base of the type base_tt cone axis passes the point origin and directed along vector n axes of 2D plane which contain the base are directed along vector x and y Base is specified in 2D coordinate system defined by origin, x and y Vector n is perpendicular to x and y (cone axis is perpendicular to the base) top of the cone is origin+L*n "Tilted" cone with axis not perpendicular to the base can be specified using template stretchedRegion

Important members and methods of the class:

  • this->init(Vector_3 origin, Vector_3 n, vec_type R) - constructor, builds an infinite cylinder with a round base, radius R, height directed along the vector n.
  • this->init(Vector_3 origin, Vector_3 n, vec_type R, vec_type height) - constructor, builds a cylinder with a round base, radius R, height H, directed along the vector n.


Vector_3 origin (0,0,0), n (0,0,1), l (0,0,2), x (1,0,0), y (0,1,0);
double r = 2, h = 3;
Cylinder<Circle> cyl(origin, n, x, y, &cir);