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ConfinedRegion (ConfinedRegion)

'uiPyExperiment` is a class for setting and conducting FDTD numerical experiments.

Important members and methods of the class:

  • this->SetMainBlockTypeId(int type) - ????.
  • this->SetInternalSpace(const Vector_3 &p1_, const Vector_3 &p2_) - sets the location of the internal computing volume (excluding PMLs and the space needed to calculate the inclined drop). The form of the computational volume is a paralleliped. Its opposite angles are given in the argument. Along the axes, you can set the zero size by lowering the dimension of the problem.
  • this->SetResolution(valtype dx, valtype dy, valtype dz, valtype courant_=-1) - set the grid pitch for each axis and the Courant factor.
  • this->SetInternalMeshSize(int nx=-1, int ny=-1, int nz=-1, valtype courant_=-1) - set the number of grid steps along each axis (for internal volume) and the Courant factor.
  • this->SetCourant(valtype courant_=0.5) - sets the Courant factor.
  • this->SetCourant(valtype courant_=0.5) - sets the Courant factor.
  • this->SetBC(int bc_x, int bc_y, int bc_z) - set boundary conditions for the corresponding axes. (The following values are possible: BC_PER (intermittent), BC_PML (absorbing), BC_REFL (reflecting). In the case of an oblique fall of k, periodic boundaries not parallel to k are used for itrative notation. Default boundary conditions: periodic in x- and y- and PML in z-directions.)
  • this->AddTFSFPlane(valtype dx, valtype dy, valtype dz, valtype dir=1.f) - create a source in the form of a flat TF/SF interface (TF is where the wave goes).
  • this->AddTFSFPlane(const Vector_3 &n, const Vector_3 &pos) - create a source in the form of a flat TF/SF interface this plane is defined by a point and a normal.
  • this->AddTFSFBox(const Vector_3 &v0, const Vector_3 &v1) - Create a source with a radiating surface defined by a cube.
  • this->SetSignal(emImpulse *impulse, int managed=1, int srcid=-1) - set the waveform for the source.
  • this->SetFarField(int sph_rank, int time_max, int tile_sz=16, const char *path="") - includes the calculation of the far field in the time domain sph_rank - the rank of the grid in directions based on the partition of the pentakisdodecahedron.
  • this->SetFarFieldBasis(Vector_3 n_theta, Vector_3 n_phi) - sets the spherical coordinate system in which all postprocessing will be performed.
  • this->Analyze(int an=0x2, const std::string &lbl="", int nobl=0) - starts processing the results.
  • this->DumpMedium(const char *fname, const emMedium &med) - output to a file named 'fname' of the dielectric constant of the material 'med'.
  • `this->Calculate(valtype t1, valtype t2) - starts calculation with duration t2, time t1 is fictitious.