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3 Contour (VecContour)

VecContour<2> is a class - a set of 2D points that describes a 2D contour.

Important members and methods of the class:

  • self.GetNPoints() - the number of points in the contour
  • self.SetPoint(int i, Vector_2 vec) - adding a vec point to the ith place in the contour
  • self.add(Vector_2) - adding a vec point to the end of the contour.
  • self.getPoint(int indx) - returns the nearest point in the contour.
  • ‘self.points_begin()’ - iterator to the beginning of the contour
  • ‘self.points_end()’ - iterator to the end of the contour


Vector_2 value(0,0);
VecContour<2> cnt1(10), cnt2(10);
for (int i=0; i < cnt2.GetNPoints(); i++, value[1]++)
    cnt2.SetPoint(i, value);
VecContour<2>::point_iterator it=cnt1.points_begin(),end=cnt1.points_end();

VecContour<3> is a class - a set of 3D points that describes a 3D contour.

Important members and methods of the class:

  • self.GetNPoints() - the number of points in the contour
  • self.SetPoint(int i, Vector_3 vec) - adding a vec point to the ith place in the contour
  • self.add(Vector_3) - adding a vec point to the end of the contour.
  • self.getPoint(int indx) - returns the nearest point in the contour.
  • ‘self.points_begin()’ - iterator to the beginning of the contour
  • ‘self.points_end()’ - iterator to the end of the contour


Vector_3 value(0,0);
VecContour<3> cnt1(10), cnt2(10);
for (int i=0; i < cnt3.GetNPoints(); i++, value[1]++)
    cnt2.SetPoint(i, value);
VecContour<3>::point_iterator it=cnt1.points_begin(),end=cnt1.points_end();