No Matches
InterpPacker< coef_tt, val_t, index_tt > Class Template Reference

class to pack Interpolations with STL-like interface (iterators, which are returned by begin and end) More...

#include <transfer.h>

Collaboration diagram for InterpPacker< coef_tt, val_t, index_tt >:


struct  second_it
 records interpolation from a map (key - index, value - coefficient) More...

Public Member Functions

int next_record (const Interpolation< coef_t, index_t > &value)
 records new interpolation interpolation is not necessary not empty
int next_record (const map_t &coeffmap)
 records interpolation from indices and coefficients vectors
int end_record ()
 get interpolated value
val_t gather (iterator data) const
 distributes a value: v_new=c1*v_old+val*packed_coeff
index_t scatter (iterator data, val_t val, val_t c1=1) const
 random access to packed interpolation
iterator begin ()
 returns iterator on a first element of packed interpolations
iterator end ()
 returns the size in bytes ignoring vector overheads
size_t packed_size () const
 returns the unpacked size in bytes ignoring vector overheads

Protected Attributes

int rec_state
 record state: 0=initial, 1=recording, 2=recorded
val_t * ptr
 data array corresponding to interpolations indices
mind_t mindpack
 packer of interpolation main indices
sh_t shiftpack
 packer of interpolation indices
cf_t coeffpack
 packer of interpolation coefficients

Detailed Description

template<class coef_tt, class val_t, class index_tt = ptrdiff_t>
class InterpPacker< coef_tt, val_t, index_tt >

class to pack Interpolations with STL-like interface (iterators, which are returned by begin and end)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: