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include Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for include:


 Interface for parsing algebraic expressions.
 N-dimensional array.
 Header for the optimized complex error function.
 Template procedures for type combinatorics, as alternative to boost::fusion when predictable performance is needed.
 Basic types and auxiliary templates for application construction.
 Some useful iterators (iterator at points, edges, planes) and classes for 2D and 3D contours.
 Template function definitions for contour.h.
 Definitions of macros for C++11 features available.
 Compile time lists which can hold runtime data.
 complex N-dimensional vectors and some vector operations
 Some usefull bit flags.
 Classes for detectors that record field values during simulation.
 Functions for calculating discrete Fermi distributions in multi-level multi electron systems.
 Class using contour.h to define a surface consisting of multiple facets (contours).
 Classes used to record information about vectors / contours / bodies to text files in gnuplot format (for visualization)
 Template classes for gradient-based optimization.
 Template function definitions for grid.h.
 Classes for mpi interface/ mpi stubs.
 Interface for solving systems of linear equations using LAPACK and PARDISO.
 Interface for solving systems of linear equations using LAPACK and PARDISO.
 Interface to process exceptions and output messages.
 Interface for collecting process variables identified by their symbolic names.
 Classes for storing data sequences in files.
 Some useful math functions.
 Useful physical constants and scaling factors for different units of measurement.
 Classes for planes in 3 dimensions.
 Classes for planes in n dimensions.
 Classes to read special ini files.
 Smart pointers.
 Классы описывающие различные 2D или 3D геометрические тела.
 A collection of objects for various 3D bodies.
 Template function definitions for region.h.
 Some usefull functions for work with strings.
 Interpolation forms, packers and interpolation transfers (local and MPI), which can be used for parallel simulation (transfer between CPU domains) or multigrid-approach (transfer between meshes).
 Basis and vector transformations.
 N-dimensional vectors and some useful functions for work with them.
 Sequences of vectors.
 Classes for saving data from grids in VTK format.
 Classes used to record information about vectors / contours / bodies to xml files in VTK format (for visualization)
 Variable time stepping control for molecular dynamics.
 Classes to handle Gaussian Wave Packets.
 XML reader.