Electromagnetic Template Library (EMTL)
No Matches
analyzer.h File Reference

Classes used to get field values from binary files (emFileWave, emCFileWave). More...

#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <functional>
#include <set>
#include "vector_set.h"
#include "cvector_3.h"
#include "emdefs.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "loggerio.h"
#include "dump.h"
#include "radiation.h"
#include "analyzer_ui.h"
#include "mesh_ui.h"
#include "emcomponent.h"
Include dependency graph for analyzer.h:


class  emFileWave
 Reads field from binary file which contains field evolution in chosen points set. More...
struct  emRecArg
 argument part of a file record More...
struct  basis_char< vset_t >
 x, y, z More...
struct  basis_char< SphereSurfaceSet >
 r, theta, phi More...
struct  iter_sep_checker< iter_t >
 Class used to detect whether a separator is needed for current iterator in text output (used to draw gnuplot graphs). More...
struct  iter_sep_checker< SphereSurfaceSet::iterator >
 x, y, z More...
class  emPoint2File
 This class is used while printing results to text files Results correspond to set of argument (positions in space / time) This class specifies file name for each argument, and checks if results for some particular argument should be printed. More...
struct  emRecVal
 used as input in emDataProjector More...
class  emDataProjector
 This class is used while printing results to text files. More...
class  emGridProjector
 / line projector: output fields are t,sx,sy,sz,slen class emLineProjector: public emProjector{ vec_type *it,*isx,*isy,*isz,*ilen; public: emLineProjector(){ it=AddField("t",0); isx=AddField("sx",0); isy=AddField("sy",0); isz=AddField("sz",0); ilen=AddField("slen",0); } More...
class  ind_fullset
 Void incremental filter (with no actual filtering) generally the filter must provide an iterator returning size_t increment, default constructor and a function begin() returning the first iterator. More...
class  emBaseRecordAnalyzer
 Base class for emRecordAnalyzerTemplate
class  emRecordAnalyzer< vset_t >
 Class used to print text files in tabluar format with electromagnetic field distribution in space and time. More...


typedef process_detail< Vector_3, vec_type > emProjector
 base projector class projects a given vector onto some surface geometry using


template<class iter_t >
int check_sep_ind (int N, const iter_t &it, int pmode, int dsep)
 Auxiliary function to check separators by index.

Detailed Description

Classes used to get field values from binary files (emFileWave, emCFileWave).

Class emRecordAnalyzer used to produce text files with field values in space and time (these files can be plotted using gnuplot).