| analyzer.h |
| Classes used to get field values from binary files (emFileWave, emCFileWave).
| dispersion.h |
| Classes for dispersive media fix applied using auxiliary differential equations (ADE) method, see Taflove book.
| emtempl.h |
| This file describes the generic interfaces of EM classes in the STL-like manner.
| impulse.h |
| Space-time pulses (field depending on time and one space-coordinate).
| mediumline.h |
| Container for thin wires (lines) with electromagnetic medium properties attributed to them.
| mediumregion.h |
| Container for space regions with electromagnetic medium properties attributed to them.
| mediumsurface.h |
| Container for thin surfaces with electromagnetic medium properties attributed to them.
| mesh.h |
| Declaration of template emBlockContainer, which is a key block for FDTD simulation on a given mesh (meshes).
| meshcontainer.h |
| oblique.h |
| Correction for oblique wave incidence.
| offdiag.h |
| Correction for non-diagonal inverse permitivity tensor (used in subcell smoothing).
| pml.h |
| Classes for UPML and CPML.
| radiation.h |
| tfsf.h |
| Classes for Total Fiels / Scaterred Field fixes.
| xml_reader.h |
| XML reader.
| yee4.h |
| Fourth order Yee scheme.
| yee_gen.h |
| Generalized Yee mesh to use with various optimizations.