Electromagnetic Template Library (EMTL)
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 Emtl global data initializers and defines.
 Interface to calculate reflectance / transmittance for stratified media.
 Vecotrized (AVX, AVX512) versions for the Fourier detector.
 Spatial (temporal) pulses (field depending on one space-coordinate or time).
 Declaration of class LayeredSphereScat and methods for scattering matrix calculation of a layered spherical particle.
 Interface for optical media.
 Basic FDTD method interface for EMTL.
 Main loop (bulk update) for arbitrary mesh.
 Fast near field to far calculation.
 Method for assigning materials specified as objects of emMedium to 3d objects.
 Universal method for storing and locating 3D objects with assigned levels and unique IDs.
 Thin conducting surface within FDTD.
 Thin conducting wire within FDTD.
 Functions to create emMedium objects corresponding to real media (glass, gold, etc) To reproduce dielectric function depending of requency, approximation with Drude, Lorentz, extended Lorentz is used, see also http://fdtd.kintechlab.com/en/fitting If dielectric function is frequency dependent, corresponding function has one parameter d for FDTD length unit in microns (for example, if FDTD length unit is 1 micron, then d=1; if FDTD length unit is 10 microns then d=10)
 Plane wave expansion method.
 FDTD methods used in the standard uiExperiment.
 User interface to perform FDTD calculations.
 User interface to perform FDTD calculations.