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RegionUnion< N > Class Template Reference

union of arbitrary number of regions More...

#include <region_2.h>

Inheritance diagram for RegionUnion< N >:
Collaboration diagram for RegionUnion< N >:

Public Member Functions

bool TestPoint (const vector_t &p) const override
 Returns true if the point is in the region.
virtual RegDumper< N > * CreateDumper () const override
 return pointer on object RegDumper, which has function Dump drawing the region
- Public Member Functions inherited from CompositeRegion< N >
virtual int GetFlags () const override
 Returns a set of bit flags specifying which functions are implemented for this region (see RegFlags).
size_t AddRegion (Region< N > *reg)
 adds new region to union
int TestLine (const vector_t &p, const vector_t &dir, vec_type *frac, vector_t *surfp=nullptr, vector_t *surfn=nullptr, vec_type epsilon=0) const override
 Records the fractions frac1 and frac2 of the line (p,dir) corresponding to the intersections surfpi=p+fraci*dir, surfni - coords of intersection and corresponding outer normal.
size_t GetElementarySubRegions (std::vector< int > *flags=nullptr, std::vector< Region< N > * > *oregs=nullptr) const override
 For composite regions returns the number of elementary subregions, otherwise returns 0.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Region< N >
virtual vec_type SurfProject (const vector_t &p, vector_t *surfp=nullptr, vector_t *surfn=nullptr) const
 finds the point on the region surface closest to the given one p returns distance to this point (positive is P outside and negative is P inside region), surfp – projection, surfn – norm vector at surfp

template<class contour_t >
vec_type TestContour (const contour_t &cnt, VecContour< N > *subcont=nullptr, vector_t *subcenter=nullptr) const
 Returns the area fraction of the contour part that is inside the region, subcontour which is inside the region (if pointer is not nullptr) and the center of the subcontour (if pointer is not nullptr)
virtual vec_type TestPtrContour (const PtrContour< N > &cnt, VecContour< N > *subcont=nullptr, vector_t *subcenter=nullptr) const
 virtual version of TestContour for particular PtrContour
virtual vector_t GetBoundingBox (vector_t *v1, vector_t *v2) const
 Returns opposite corners of the box which contains the region inside itself.
virtual vector_t GetCenter () const
 Returns the center of the region.
virtual vec_type Volume () const
 Returns volume of the region. '-1' means that function is not implemented.
virtual vec_type GetInsideEdgePart (const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &p2) const
 Returns a fraction of the edge [0-1] that belongs to the region.
virtual vec_type TestEdge (const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &p2, vector_t *surfp=nullptr, vector_t *surfn=nullptr) const
 Returns a fraction of the edge from the first point till the intersection with the surface of the region.
virtual vec_type TestRay (const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &dir, vector_t *surfp=nullptr, vector_t *surfn=nullptr, vec_type epsilon=0) const
 Returns the fraction of the ray corresponding to the nearest intersection in positive direction frac<0 means no intersection in positive direction intersections with frac<=epsilon are ignored.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Region< N >
typedef unknown_cat category
 Category of the region to determine the correct template behaviour for various algorithms (see Body categories categories).

Detailed Description

template<int N>
class RegionUnion< N >

union of arbitrary number of regions

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