
a database for storing data on chemical species, elementary processes and kinetic mechanisms


KintechDB is a database for storing chemical species data, elementary chemical processes and compiled chemical kinetic mechanisms. The primary users are researchers and engineers working in chemical engineering, combustion, catalysis, metallurgy and microelectronics areas.

KintechDB can be used as enterprise information system for accumulation of organization-scale data or just as a reference book with initial set of reference data. It is network-based for easy sharing and everywhere access of data.


Comprehensive set of physical-chemical characteristics in gases and plasma
Visualization and comparative analysis of multiple instances in the database
Integration with third-party software


High-temperature chemistry: thermodynamics and kinetics
Thermodynamic optimization of processes in plasma-chemical industry
Non-equilibrium plasma radiation properties for light-sources design
Fuel design and fuel chemistry model development
Combustion process design and pollutants formation assesment
Thin films deposition/etching for micrelectronics


  • Lebedev, A.V., Okun, M.V., Chorkov, V.A. et al. Systematic procedure for reduction of kinetic mechanisms of complex chemical processes and its software implementation. J Math Chem 51, 73–107 (2013).
  • Lebedev A.V, Zaev I.A., Potapkin B.V., Self-consistent DRG: new implementation of directed relation graph mechanism reduction procedure,Proceeding of the 24th ICDERS, Taibei, July 28 – August 2, 2012

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