Products of the company

Hipercone FDTD

High Performance and HyperConic Finite Difference Time Domain solver for electromagnetics.

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High-performance, high-fidelity simulation software complex for Selective Laser or Electron Beam Melting processes at the mesoscale.

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Ab initio based tool for the quantum chemistry based calculation of the kinetic parameters of microscopic processes, thermodynamic and transport properties of substances and their mixtures in gases, plasmas and gas-solid phases boundary.

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A program package for multiscale hierarchical prediction simulation of morphology, thermal and mechanical properties of nanocomposites with a polymer matrix.

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Fluid Workbench

Convenient instrument for calculations of thermodynamic, thermophysical and radiation properties of gases and plasma in a wide range of temperatures and pressures.

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Chemical Workbench

Software for kinetic mechanism analysis and device or reactor scale kinetic modeling of processes in gases, plasma and at the gas-solid interfaces.

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Mechanism Workbench

Instrument to significantly reduce the size of the detailed chemical mechanism without loss in accuracy of simulations, when the specific problem and targets of simulations are defined.

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Database for storing chemical species data, elementary chemical processes and compiled chemical kinetic mechanisms.

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